Jayden: Mommy, you say "excuse me book."
Me: Oh...well I'm sorry. Excuse me book I need to put Jayden's jacket on.
Jayden: Thank you mommy.
Scenario B: Demetrius had just finished making coffee in his new French Press he got for Christmas and he was sitting down in the living room with his cup of coffee. Jayden, with much confusion and a little sarcasm says...
"Mommy, where's your coffee?"
Apparently if daddy is drinking coffee then mommy is drinking coffee. This kid likes things to be the SAME way all the time. Funny.
Scenario C: We are driving home from a birthday party and we are a few minutes down the road when Jayden very seriously says...
Jayden: "Daddy PUT on your SEATBELT."
Demetrius: Ok Jayden thanks for reminding me.