Monday, January 24, 2011

What We've Been Up Too

Playing (and fighting) together. Oh, what will I do when that little one starts getting in the mix? I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous. Babies are easy. Toddlers, not so much.
This girl makes me smile. The daily routine includes a trip to the potty immediately followed by putting on her "princess costume", tights, and usually shoes and hair accessories. I promise you she was up for a total of 5 minutes this morning and she was fully princessed out and asking me to put on music so she could dance. She's a big fan of Taylor Swift.
Orlando has some incredible parks. There are on every corner and they are all super nice. It's a favorite (free) past time especially when it's not 100 degrees outside.
On a cold day you can find the kids and their sweet daddy "fishing" at the swimming pool. Classic.

sick baby

Sweet Hope is not feeling too sporty these days. I think she might be teething as well. Check out that drool:)
She is still an incredibly snuggly baby. She is almost 5 months old now.
Check out those arm rolls. It still amazes me that babies grow like this on milk alone. It's really crazy to think that my body has sustained her. I don't think I'll ever get over how God brings about a little life. I love pregnancy and babies (but I am still pretty sure I'm done having babies of my own:)
Chubby bunny. She was little for about one whole month.

Hair Cuts


Our neighbor is finishing up school this May so Demetrius asked her if she would cut the kids hair for us. We've been talking it up with the kids because if you've read my blog for long you will know that we have major hair issues with Jayden. If his hair is slightly different he cries (literally) and says "but I don't look like Jayden." Doesn't he look thrilled?


Um....isn't she about the cutest 18 year old you've seen? She is super stylist with her mohawk and really sweet too. Today was her day off so instead of taking naps we called on Miss Brittany to come beautify us!

Journey-girls turn. A little skittles and a cartoon was all she needed. she sat for a little over an hour straight while her hair was cut and styled.

After...neither of them complained a single time. They sat still and they loved the final result. If you know my boy, this is a miracle. I have to admit I'm sad to see the platinum tips go but I know they will be back as soon as this intense florida sunshine comes back out. The ends of his hair were nasty and i've cut so many knots out that it was super uneven. love this fresh start. they loves seeing all (this was most of it) of the hair that just came off their heads.

Sweet boy. Honestly, he drives me nuts these days but I love him more than ever. He is the quirkiest little guy I know! I really can't wait to see who he becomes one day.



My amazing mom sent money for their haircuts and for prizes for doing it without complaining. So, right after we finished up we took a trip to toys r us for their rewards. they each got to pick out a toy. thanks gram!

Monday, January 17, 2011


If you have a minute check out this adoptive fathers thoughts as he contemplates sharing hard truths about history with his trans-racially adopted son. I've been following this Ethiopian adoption blog for a while. I have no idea who these people are but that's how the blogging world works. We can stalk random people and be inspired. Thank you whoever came up with this fabulous idea.

I would love to add my own thoughts but this guy said it much better than I could. Pretty much sums it up. Happy MLK Day...

okay...I will share some insight from my little man.

Jayden: "Me, you and Hope are the same color and Journey and Daddy are the same color."
Me: "Yep, why do you think that is?"
Jayden: "God."
Me: "Yep, why do you think He did that?"
Jayden: "Cause he likes us that way."
Me: "Do you think God likes it when people that are different colors love each other?"
Jayden: "Yeah...He does. God does like that."

Yes. He. Does.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I could use some of this.

That my friends is what you call good sleep.


She sleeps in her tutu.
Does ballet in her tutu.
Gets sassy in her tutu.
Gets down and dirty...rides bikes...plays with trains in her tutu.

"we call her Hope-E. Girl.

My mom said "hey Hope" and Jayden quickly corrected her "Gram...we call her Hopey Girl."
Maybe her eyes are turning green-ish? Hard to tell but I don't think they're going to be brown like the other two.
Almost laughing. Pictures laughing but with with no noise coming out. Love this baby!
Love girly hairbows. I also can't wait to see what her hair will be like. It's a toss up.
Pretty pretty princess.

yep i made this!

I'm not gonna lie. It took me a while to figure out what the heck DIY (do it yourself) meant. There is the whole other language out there on blogland. There you have it. I looked up a few different ways to make this little cake/dessert stand and here she stands with some mouth watering Lindor Truffles on top.

Let me break it down (not a "tutorial" I might add:). $.99 cent for the plate; $.69 for the candle holder. Glue (epoxy) that baby to the plate and spray paint (not the top of the plate cause ya wanna be able to eat off it) your favorite color. Instant, cheap, handmade (sounds so much trendier than homemade) gift.

Go Me.

Give me the Biggest Smile Ever.

And this is what I got...

Cars for Everyone

She likes to get the wheels tangled up in her hair. Trains work well for that too.
She prefers a simple back and forth "cruising" of her car. Jayden actually gave her this to play with and she grabbed it up. They are teaching her well.
Silliest boy I know...and love.

A Birthday Shout-Out to the One I LOVE...

Demetrius turned the big 3-0 on December 28th. Cannot imagine my life without him.

Brian leading the "happy birthday" chorus.

I was tempted to post the picture where you couldn't tell how lopsided the cake was but I wanted to keep it real for a second. This HOMEMADE (first ever for me) carrot cake with real grated carrots and cream cheese icing tasty A LOT better than it looked. Lucky for man doesn't give a rip about appearances. One of the many things I love about him.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Couldn't leave this one out...taken right after Journey poked Demetrius in his eye:)

Family Christmas Photos

Michelle with Hope. of the one's to blame for the present overload:)
Auntie Angie...just a short drive away. Thankfully we get to see her quite often!
Demetrius with his B'Ham crew...Uncle Brian, Auntie and Gigi. LOVE you all and am so ridiculously thankful for being brought into your family.
My precious mama! Isn't she so cute in my new red glasses? She'll kill me for putting this one of her on here. I love it...
Pop and the girls. Please notice: thumb in mouth & finger up nose. classic journey. oh, and random headband on the back of her little 'fro.
Jayden and Pop reading a story. They do have that in common:)

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Sweet one huh? Minus the crayon/fingerprint artwork on the mirror behind them of course.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Man, this is good.

If you have a second or two (be careful you may sit on this one a while) head over to "It's Almost Naptime" and check out this post entitled: "I don't want my children to be happy."

Or, if that title doesn't snag you...try this one from the same blogger mama: "Let's go crazy in 2011" I promise this one will get got me. I love her answer to the question why would you adopt. "Because I can't stand the thought of kids in orphanages." Could it be that simple. Yes, I do believe it is.

I hope and pray and hope and pray that our future includes making an orphan our son and/or daughter. I CANNOT stand the fact that there are millions (about 147 million) real live children that do not belong to anyone. No one to cry out to when they're scared or hurt. No one to pray for them when they have a bad dream. No one to feed, clothe or love them. It breaks my heart. Bad.

Honestly, I'm tired. I cannot imagine taking care of another kid or two or three. I want rest, time with my hubby, more rest, more time with the kids I have, more alone time, more money, more things, more rest, more vacation, more more more. But, I am being convinced that these things will not bring me satisfaction or joy (or rest:), nor will they bring glory to the One who calls us to "spend ourselves" on behalf of the poor.

I long to get outside of myself and engage this broken city (world) we live in. We are one step closer to that happening. It doesn't involve adopting at this point but it does involve moving to a "not so desirable" neighborhood in the heart of downtown Orlando. We are making plans and in God's perfect timing we will have unending opportunities to "love our neighbor." Gratitude fills my heart this morning ya'll. Enjoy your day!