Wednesday, February 24, 2010

This girl...

Her personality has really been coming out lately. As you can see she can get carried away while feeding herself. I have to say she has gotten a lot better since this picture was taken about a month ago.

She does the cutest thing where she cuts her eyes at you instead of turning to look at you. She does it to be funny and I die laughing every time. Please notice that she is holding her fork while shoving spaghetti in her mouth with her hand.

We had her 15 month appt. last week. I was a month behind but we got it done. She was a whopping 27lbs (94th percentile) and 33inches (off the chart). I can't say I'd be disappointed if she just happened to love playing volleyball:)

Our Newest Addition

Praise God for this gift He has given us in His perfect timing! I'm 12 weeks and 1 day pregnant with our 3rd baby. Due to arrive September 7th (or a week or so before if we continue our trend). Even as I write this it is surreal. We are amazed and so grateful for this sweet surprise.

This profile picture was taken today. The baby is about 3.5 inches long (not including the curled up little legs) and was even trying to do some flips already. We are going to let this little one's gender remain a surprise until arrival day. We have all we need for a boy or girl so we thought it would be great to add another element of surprise. Which means we need a boy and girl name, which will be hard since Demetrius and I have different tastes in names.

A few fun facts. We left Mobile pregnant and we will return pregnant. This is my 4th pregnancy since May of 2006 (that's just over 3.5 years). I have been pregnant nearly half of our almost 5 year marriage. Our kids will be 3yrs 3mths (jayden), 22mths (journey) and newborn!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kids are Funny

This kid is hilarious. Those are his new undies on his head (and on his bottom). If he saw this picture he would say "I cheese-in." I agree. By the way, he is totally potty training himself.
Ok, a few funny stories..

Me: Journey you are so pretty. Jayden isn't Journey so pretty?
Jayden: Yeah, and I'm cool.

I was putting a bow in Journey's hair a few days ago....
Jayden: I want one.
Me: Girls wear bows.
Jayden: Oh yeah, boys and and and play basketball.

I was teaching Jayden the difference between curly and straight hair. We had gone through all of the curly and straight haired friends we have then I asked...
Me: what about daddy?
Jayden: Um. Daddy just has his head.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Such a Big Boy!

Jayden just loves life. He is easily excited and just about anything can bring a big smile to his face. His imagination is amazing. He loves to sing, dance and rock out on his guitar. Last week sometime we were all laying quietly in our bed and he sincerely asked me, "mom, wanna talk?" So of course I said "sure jayden, what do you want to talk about." He proceeded to tell me all about a drawing I made for him the previous day. Random and sweet!

In December we tried the BabyWise potty training method and although it set the stage for some good stuff he totally DID NOT GET IT! He consumed lots of treats and peed on the floor several times. It was fun but we definitely decided not to push it! So last week he randomly told me he needed to pee pee in the potty. Sure enough he did it! And, he's been doing it since. After just 1 week he is really catching on. He stayed dry ALL day today. Even during his nap! We cannot take any credit at all for his progress. He literally is potty training himself. Praise God for that one! Can i get a high five! Oh, and any advice on how to eliminate the treats would be appreciated. He gets 2 skittles for pee pee and 3 for poo poo. Just a side note about his continued quirkiness...he always wants one "brown" (purple) skittle and one orange. And, he has to make sure they both have a "S" on them before he will eat them:)

P.S. Did you notice how dark his hair is underneath all the blonde stuff? The cool guy part down the middle was the beginning stage of combing through his hair...of course he LOVES to do this...probably one of his least favorite things to do.

Umm...are you 2 or what? I swear he looks like a four year old and acts older sometimes. he is quite happy with his dinosaur rain boots, can ya tell?

Desperate Times...Desperate Measures.

Journey's has officially been sleeping in the laundry room for about 2 weeks now. Jayden is suddenly scared to go to sleep at night so to give Journey some peace as she drifts into dreamland, we made the move. The twins are just helping her get acquainted with her new "room." Don't judge me:)

Ok, if anyone out there has any insight on the suddenly terrified to go to bed ordeal...please pass on some advice to your girl. It is getting better but it's still a battle and it's just plain sad.


Eating markers. Journey eats EVERYTHING...paper, stickers, gum wrappers, hair bands, diaper far no bugs that I know of. Doesn't she look proud of her "artwork."

Devastated that I wouldn't let her continue sucking all the ink out of the marker. She doesn't care about much but when she decides she wants something in particular and can't have it...she has a meltdown (oops hope she didn't get that from me:)

Tear stains meets marker stains. I think she's gonna make it.