Thursday, February 4, 2010


Eating markers. Journey eats EVERYTHING...paper, stickers, gum wrappers, hair bands, diaper far no bugs that I know of. Doesn't she look proud of her "artwork."

Devastated that I wouldn't let her continue sucking all the ink out of the marker. She doesn't care about much but when she decides she wants something in particular and can't have it...she has a meltdown (oops hope she didn't get that from me:)

Tear stains meets marker stains. I think she's gonna make it.


Danny and Jennifer White said...

They are both precious !No judgement on the laundry room.Gotta do what you can to maintain your sanity!

Jennifer said...

I know she has been crying, but her eyes look so stunning in the last picture. :) Maybe next time you can get the smelly markers so they taste a little better for her.