Monday, February 21, 2011


Random t.v. watching position. He never ceases to amaze me:)
He is finally eating a little better. We are working on it...
This represents today's Jayden. He is always "the best, fastest, strongest, tallest, biggest, smartest, oldest, betterest." He is obsessed with being first and in the front...often pushing little Journey aside to show how big his muscles are. Sigh.
But don't be too alarmed. He loves her. One night she slept in our bed after throwing up all in hers. Jayden woke up screaming "I. Need. My. Sissssssssssssttttterrrrrrrrrr. I. CAN'T. SLEEP WITHOUT JOURRRRRRRNNNNNEEEEYYYYYYY." She adores him.
His creativity amazes me. I love seeing him grow and learn. He built this train track around the "city." He loves cities with tall buildings. He loves Orlando.

1 comment:

Danny and Jennifer White said...

SO glad he is eating better and so great that they love each other.