Saturday, July 26, 2008
Our First Visit "Home"

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Two Years Ago
It was just two years ago that we lost our first baby. I was 12 weeks pregnant and felt like I could breathe easier knowing that I "made it" through most of the first trimester. I remember feeling relieved that I would not have to experience the heartache of losing a baby like so many of my close friends had. I remember thinking that I could not relate to them in their sorrow. I did not know that I was days away from joining together with them in the grief that only an expectant mother full of expectation for her child's future could know.
I just put a new song on our playlist called "Held." I remember listening to this song and understanding how it felt to be held when something so sacred was torn from us. It was really such a sad time and also a time that brought Demetrius and I together as we learned how to love and lose, how to grieve and how to trust the Creator of Life even when it hurt.
It is truly amazing to see how our family has grown in so many ways (including size) in the past two years. It is an understatement to say that we are so thankful for life and for breath and for a loving marriage and for children and yes, even for sorrow and suffering.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
House Cont'd
Sunday, July 20, 2008
HOME FREE...almost and other updates!
As for our house situation here, we just found out that we can go before the code enforcement board to "plead" our case. Please pray for favor!
We are still trying to work out the medical insurance stuff too. We are covered for now but we are hopeful that we can find another provided for MUCH LESS per month!
My parents flew Jayden and I home to visit and we had a blast. We went to the beach, pool, out to dinner and had a great visit with family and a few friends. Lots of cute pictures to come once I get them from my mom.
Demetrius is about to start his second week of class. He loved his first class that he finished last week. We just had a cookout yesterday and met lots of new "potential" friends.
LaJuan and I have enjoyed getting to know one another better but we are still missing our friends in Mobile. It gets rather lonely at times not knowing anyone else. Come visit us somebody!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thank you baby girls for the PRACTICE!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Linus aka Super Man
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
48 things..enjoy
48 ODD Things about you! If you read this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 48 things about your friends, and let them learn 48 things about you!
1. Do you like blue cheese? no
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? negative
3. Do you own a gun? i don't own it but there is one in my it everyone
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? strawberry in the limeade, vanilla in the coke
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? always...especially at my new doctor where everyone speaks Spanish!
6. What do you think of hot dogs? I hated them until I was pregnant with Jayden...only eat them grilled though (beef ones)
7. Favorite Christmas movie? Home Alone
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffee-a little caffeine for the babe in the womb
9. Can you do push ups? maybe but I haven't tried in a few years
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my wedding rings
11. Favorite hobby? sleeping
12. Do you have A.D.D.? I have the opposite problem
13. What's one trait you hate about yourself? I procrastinate
14. Middle name? Elizabeth
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: all the babies in the house are quiet, I want ice cream and I hope I don't get struck by lightning...cause it storms daily in Orlando.
16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday? a book of stamps the cashier forgot to give me, the aforementioned ice cream and watermelon for the 4th!
17. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. water, diet coke and milk
19. Current hate right now? the price of gas, food, bills, etc
20. Favorite place to be? hanging with the hubbie watching a good movie...or falling asleep to a good movie, which is the norm for me.
21. How did you bring in the New Year? i can't remember so it must not have been exciting.
22. Where would you like to go? to Mobile to see my family and friends
23. Name three people who will complete this? probably no one, surprised I'm doing it myself
24. Do you own slippers? Yes but i never ever wear them. They are purple and fuzzy.
26. What year would you go back in time to? I wouldn't go back
27. Can you whistle? nope, not even a little
28. Favorite color? pink
29. Would you be a pirate? nope, i don't like mean people
30. What songs do you sing in the shower? i can't sing
31. Favorite girl's name? journey...which will be our new baby's name
32. Favorite boy's name? ? jayden...our sons name
33. What's in your pocket right now? no pockets
34. Last thing that made you laugh? lajuan telling her stories at dinner
36. Worst injury you've ever had? fractured my spine in third grade when I fell from the jungle gym...I was hanging upside down...wearing a tie dye shirt that read "don't worry by happy." It was the 80s and it was cool back then.
37. Do you love where you live? yes...but I miss Mobile
38. How many TVs do you have in your house? 2
39. Who is your loudest friend? gonna have to go with lajuan
40. How many dogs do you have? none
41. Does someone have a crush on you? demetrius maybe?
42. What is your favorite book(s)? Hinds Feet on High Places
43. What is your favorite candy? sour gummy anything
44. Favorite Sports Team? Troy Trojans! TR--OJ--ANS....whoooooo
45. Your favorite meal? anything from bonefish grill
46. What were you doing 12 AM last night? finishing up an adoption home study
47. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? it's 7:15 and jayden is just now getting up! Yaay!
48. Do you have any odd habits? bad habits yes...odd, i don't know