We had family pictures and newborn pictures of Journey taken on Monday. Our photographer has put a few up on her website. These pictures are the most amazing ever! I'm not kidding...go take a peek.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sleepy Girl
Much to our surprise we are pleased to announce that...WE HAVE A SLEEPER! Those of you who know us well know that Jayden struggled with sleeping from day one. Well, this little girl of ours is the opposite. I actually have to wake her up several times each day to feed her! WHAT! I can't believe it even as I type. She is a content little one who loves to snuggle but also sleeps well all by herself. She seems really peaceful most of the day (and night). I am convinced that every baby is uniquely different from the start. We are certainly counting our blessings...
Jayden is doing pretty well with her. He is having some issues with eating, which is not unusual for him but he has struggled even more since the transition. Please pray that he would get what he needs to be healthy. He is super sweet to Journey and we are sure that he is going to be a protective big brother. He already goes up to her and rubs her head and pats her back. Today she was stretching with her arms reached out and he thought she wanted a high five. Hilarious. He instinctively responded by swatting her hand. He was so proud of himself.
We had a photographer come out to the house on Monday. Can't wait to post some pics from the photo shoot!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Journey Is Here
Wow!!! This has been an amazing day! Journey made her grand entrance into the world at 1:05 pm. She weighed in at 8lbs 9 oz. She is 20 and a half inches long. She is so gorgeous. Head full of black hair. She is currently eating lunch and enjoying it. Mom is doing great! Pictures and more info to come tonight.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Practicing Big Brotherhood
Friday, October 17, 2008
Here's the final update...if I don't have Journey by Monday morning I will be induced. I think he's going to break my water and see if I contract and dilate further on my own and then add pitocin if the contractions don't pick up. We are super excited! If we do have her on Monday it will be just one day before my 28th birthday. We hope to post some pictures while we are at the hospital. Please pray with us for a safe delivery and that we would ENJOY our girl!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Any Day Now...Still
Okay so two weeks ago I found out the I was 3cm and 50% effaced. So, naturally I'm starting to think this baby is coming soon, right? Wrong. A week ago there wasn't much change but I did start contracting a bit so I thought "maybe soon." On Tuesday night I contracted every 5 minutes for 2.5 hours so we headed to the hospital thinking "tonight is the night." Of course about the time we got to the hospital they slowed down to every ten minutes and then slowed down even more after the 2 hour walk they sent us on. I was 4cm at the hospital and 70-80% effaced...and they sent us home! So here I am two days later and still no baby? How long can a girl walk around 4cm dilated? I mean I had my epidural with Jayden when I was only 2cm and 3 hours later I was ready to push. LaJuan swears I am going to have the baby at home and she jokes about delivering the baby in the kitchen at least 5 times every day.
We are back to the dr. in the morning...we shall see??? I'm not super impatient because I am miserable, I'm not at all miserable. We are just ready to meet her! I was recently reminded that ALL of her days have been ordained and that she will be here right on time. Keep ya posted...
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Cased Closed!
We wanted to let everyone know that our rental house situation has finally been resolved! We were cited for a violation of the city's "single family" home ordinance the second week we moved here. Since we did not believe the ordinance was applicable to our "family" we asked to go before the code enforcement board to get resolution and stay in the house. The home owner has been so incredibly supportive of us and has fought for us to be able to stay. We are so thankful for his family's kindness when it really wasn't even their problem! After nearly four months of not knowing what would happen we received word yesterday that the case was dropped! Shane and Demetrius along with the homeowner attended the code enforcement board meeting last month to present evidence that we were not in violation of their code. Apparently they realized they really had no case against us after all! We are praising God for his provision and protection.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Countdown Begins...
I went to doctor on Friday and much to our surprise my labor is actually progressing! It was my 36 week appointment and I'm moving right along (3cm and 50% effaced). I haven't been contracting until last night but it was only for an hour or so and they stopped. Journey still measures 1 week ahead, which probably makes her almost 7 pounds already. Our bags are packed and we have our families on stand-by! Getting excited...we'll update the blog from the hospital.
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