Just thought I'd share a few of my favorites. I love it when someone tells me about an amazing product and I later wonder how I ever lived without it! Ok, so this is the sunscreen I use for my own face when I'm out in the sun. It is SUPER hard to rub in but IT WORKS and it doesn't burn my skin or eyes. I ran 10 miles in it...it's waterproof and it's amazing! But, if you have darker skin it's not the best option because it won't rub in good enough (I can't use it with Journey b/c it makes her skin look purple).

I was mad when I found out about the magic eraser because I thought, "why hasn't anyone told me about this?" It works great on baseboards, doors, light switches and even hard to clean bathtubs/shower!

The Hooter Hider...you can get them on Etsy.com from $15-45. The cheaper ones are just as nice. I've gotten both. They are super cute and so convenient!

The Sit-n-Stand stroller. You can attach an infant car seat to the front and then it converts to a seat for the younger child once they're too big for the infact carrier. The older one can sit on the back (and can be strapped in) or they can stand and "ride." We LOVE this stroller!

I have the Moby Wrap, but this one is from Etsy.com. It's cuter than mine and it costs about $40. It's worth it! I kept Journey in it until she was 22lbs. I grocery shopped, carried her to church, went for walks, etc. I was a HUGE fan of the baby bjorn until I discovered this. I would never go back to the bjorn! It takes some practice but once you're comfy with it you won't be disappointed.

This is the schwinn double jogger. No, I do not own this $345 stroller but LaJuan has one that was given to her and IT IS INCREDIBLE! I basically pushes itself....enough said.

I just recently got this with a babiesrus giftcard I got from my nanny. I had one from target (eddie bauer) but my kids always found a way to get the the cart and suck on some nasty person's hand germs. This one (floppy seat) is about $40 but it covers the whole cart and you don't have to tie anything...it has a strong elastic band that just fits around the cart! And, once you're done you can fold it back into a little bag so it's easy to store in your car!