Proud Daddy holding his new little girl for the first time.
Daddy hold his other little girl who didn't want to get anywhere near Hope. Don't worry, now she won't leave her alone. When Hope cries you will always hear, "soaky (it's okay) Oope (hope)."
Love at first sight.
Blessed with another beautiful, healthy baby. Couldn't be more thankful.
For memories sake (and for those who care to know) this is how it went down. I was 2 days shy of my due date when I was induced. I was only 2cm and 50% effaced. I carried this baby about 1 1/2 weeks longer than the other kids so we thought we were certainly going to have a huge baby. I was also surprised because by 37 weeks with Journey I was already 4cm. Had the others been born at 40 weeks they would have been just under and just over 10lbs:) So, needless to say we were very surprised that Hope was only 7lbs 15oz. I did measure a week or so behind and I gained less weight (22lbs) this time, but I know those #s can be deceiving. I remember thinking and saying "she's little" when I met her for the first time. Back to the induction: I checked into Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies at 11am on Sunday the 5th (p.s. last year on Labor Day Sunday I ran a half marathon with my best friend Portia.) The pitocin was started at 12:20 and a mere 5 hours and 8 minutes later our girl was born. I have had super easy and fast labors (compliments of the epidural) and super fast deliveries (as in I've never had to push longer than 1 minute). That's all folks!
awww... i love "soaky, oope" too cute.
Hopefully I will be able to 'copy' and 'paste' this birth story as my own:) Seeing this post really excites me! It's so cool that you guys didn't find out the gender. My husband absolutely had to know what we are having.
Love your updates and pictures!
amy, she is just plain adorable. you guys make the cutest babies ever. can you please put that little video of jayden saying "what boys" up on here sometime? i saw it on fb but can't find it now. it was so cute. i wanted chris to see it too.
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