Tuesday, November 30, 2010

blogger blues...still

I have missed the last few months of blogging. I really need to get a new camera. I'm so NOT inspired to post pictures that are just not that great. In the meantime...I am enjoying reading everyone else's blogs.

The kids are doing great. We just got back from Birmingham...LONG drive/FUN time. Made us miss Alabama but we were glad to be back home in our beds. They are growing up and changing so much. I have to say, we are getting more sleep around here than we ever have! The big kids are sharing a room again and our nighttime troubles have all but disappeared. Hope is a great sleeper and has the sweetest, most contagious smile you've ever seen!

There is a lot going on in our lives right now and I'm trying to figure out a way to get my head around it all. We are still adjusting to life with 3 kids 3 and under. I am aware that i'm not the only one who has ever done this but i'm not kidding...it's hard. Good...but hard:) These days are so important for bonding and attachment and I'm so thankful I get to spend it with them.

Hopefully soon I can post some more details about some upcoming events in the Summerville family. Until then....thanks for keeping up your blogs!

1 comment:

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