When I have both of my kids together and all I hear is how beautiful his blonde hair is (or how beautiful he is in general), it bothers me. Not because he's not beautiful (or unique...I get that) but because she (with her dark kinky hair) is too. Someone has literally said to Jayden, "how did you get to be the lucky one with all that blonde hair." I just wonder how Journey will interpret those comments? I'm not sure how else she could other than thinking darker hair, skin, etc. is not as pretty as light skin and blonde hair.
Sounds like I'm succumbing to the age old argument that "people shouldn't mix races because it's just hard on the kids." I am aware that my kids could potentially face some hard questions in life. I cringe at the thought and also welcome it. My response to the many, many people who have asked that age old question is this...."As Christians, is our primary responsibility to teach our kids what is easy or what it right."
In the image of God he created them.
It's funny, but even before I read your next post asking for snappy comebacks, I was trying to think of a good response for those people who comment on Jayden but ignore Journey. Which, for the record, baffles me because I don't understand how ANYONE can look at that child and not be completely in love with her. She is, by far, the most gorgeous little girl I've ever seen.
Maybe you should start telling people that you think he was switched at birth, since no one on either side of the family has blonde hair.
Oh good one (switched at birth). Thanks sis....
My friend this is a topic that I could probably write a book on, with the help of many friends and family.I personally think it started with slavery.I will not go into detail here, but will be in prayer for you all.Maybe the next time we talk I will not hog the conversation!!Love you!
if folks want to hate let them hate, knowing you 2, 1 thing your kids will not lack is confidence! i know their SWAG level will be high 24/7. So dont worry about journey, she will brush her shoulders off and turn her swag level up continuously. remember, what dont kill me, makes be better.
I don't think their hair is much different. Only relly in color. Her hair is curly and so is his. I wish I was their when those ignorant people said those things I would have broke them off something!! (yeah right like I could hurt someone). I don't know what you could say to those people. Some people have asked if they were mine when we were out in public which is understandable because of course they don't look too much like me. I should have siad they are mine and their father is black. That would have blew their mind! I would have just left them standing there wondering. But I would straight up confront them if they said something carzy like that. I would say "so what do you mean by that" I would just get to the point.
Thanks for sharing your heart, Amy. Both of your children are gorgeous...can't wait til you guys are back so I can get to know Journey the way I did Jayden. Love you.
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